Our Two Cents on “Qurbani”
I was taking a class on the topic of “Purification of Hearts” and in one of the sessions, our...
What a love story: Gazol Bhai can rest in peace knowing P4H is taking care of Komla Banu
Komla Banu, I call her Dadi (grandmother). Her husband, Gazol vai was a very funny and emotional...
Children are our future: Oral Health Awareness
A child is our future. If a child grows with carelessness, lack of nutrition, and without proper...
Access to a doctor and medicine is a Human Right: P4H Minute Clinic
Bangladesh is a densely populated country. The number of doctors are not sufficient to the massive...
Widows who once depended on their husbands, now have children who depend on them
“You have built the society, now society is for you.” Mothers gave their whole life to raise their...
The elderly cannot be forgotten.
I used to work as a day laborer when I was young. However, now in my old age, I can no longer work...
Tools for Underprivileged Women Empowerment
Sayed Hossain passed away 15 years ago, left four daughters and his wife. Two daughters are...
P4H providing long-term solutions to build income instead of temporary assistance.
“My wife and I always dreamed of having children and raising them to be educated. We wanted our...
Parvin’s Dream
This is Parvin Begum, she was married and had two baby boys. Unfortunately her husband married...