Our Two Cents on “Qurbani”

Our Two Cents on “Qurbani”

I was taking a class on the topic of “Purification of Hearts” and in one of the sessions, our teacher mentioned that “eating meat” used to be a sign of luxury back in the days. Only the elite could afford to eat meat. I was surprised because today even middle class...
Children are our future: Oral Health Awareness

Children are our future: Oral Health Awareness

A child is our future. If a child grows with carelessness, lack of nutrition, and without proper guidance then the nation will be full of illiterate, unproductive, weak, dishonest and blind resources. The nation will be as like a rudderless ship. So from the beginning...
The elderly cannot be forgotten.

The elderly cannot be forgotten.

I used to work as a day laborer when I was young. However, now in my old age, I can no longer work the way I used to. My only asset in life is my mud home. My wife and I never had any children. It is only the two of us in this world. We don’t have anyone to depend on....